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Video Game Developer

Job Description

A video game developer is a specific type of software developer that specializes in the development of video games. A game developer ranges from a person who undertakes all tasks to a large buisiness with employee responsibilities split between individual disciplines like, programming, desighn, art and testing the games. Developers also range as far as to what they create video games for, they may make video games for consoles (Wii U, Xbox One or PlayStation 4). Or they can develop it for personal computers and mobile devices.

Recommended Degrees


Recomended Areas of Study


The average Video Game Developer in the United States earns around $85,240 per year. These salaries tend to start off at around $45,320 and can go up to $129,700.

Job Demand

The vacancies for the overall job outlook for video game designer careers has been negative since 2004. The vacancies have decreased by 32.33% nationwide since then, and the average per year is 5.39%. Although the demand for video game developers is expected to go up with an expected 7,940 new jobs filled by 2018. This would turn into an annual increase of 11.59% over the next couple of years.